Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Cirus Du Soleil"
During the last three days , ive got the worst earache and a headache . Il 7imdila it's better now but it still hurts alot >_<. Damn what a holiday =/
Yesterday i went to Circus Du soleil , it was Amazing although my small sister felt a sleep during the show . I was buying some nachos in the 30 min break and guess what , i saw Sheikh Mohd Bin Rashid Little Pwincesses ,Shiekah Salama and Shiekah Shamma there soooo Cute mashalla. Salama kept smiling the whole time .
Cameras are not allowed in the show, i was trying to take some shots and suddenly i see some women rushing to our row "Excuse me maam Cameras are not allowed in the show could you please turn it off " . Al right il switch it off now grrr

check out the pics & the video

The Tent

a fan of tickets

Tent Decoration

Tent Decoration

when i got caught

At the end of the show

Mabroooooooook U.A.E
inshalaaa infooz bil Cup

ps. thnx for the freej emtions ^.^

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